Fishmeal Tortilla New Innovation in Fish Processing

By. Tri - 03 Mar 2025


lautnusantara.com_ Fishmeal tortilla is one of the new innovations in fish processing that has great potential to increase the added value of fishery products. This tortilla is made from fishmeal mixed with other ingredients, such as wheat flour, water, and spices, then formed into a flat shape like a tortilla.


Advantages of Fishmeal Tortilla

1. Rich in Protein: Fishmeal tortilla is rich in protein which is good for body health.

2. Low Fat: Fishmeal tortilla is low in fat, so it is safe for consumption by those who have health problems related to fat.

3. Easy to Make: Fishmeal tortilla is easy to make and can be produced on a large scale.


How to Make Fishmeal Tortilla

1. Mix Fishmeal and Other Ingredients: Mix fishmeal with other ingredients, such as wheat flour, water, and spices.

2. Knead the Dough: Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and not sticky.

3. Dough Form: Form the dough into a flat shape like a tortilla.

4. Bake the Tortilla: Bake the tortilla over an open fire to give it a distinctive taste.


Benefits of Fishmeal Tortillas

1. Increasing the Added Value of Fishery Products: Fishmeal tortillas can increase the added value of fishery products.

2. Opening New Business Opportunities: Fishmeal tortillas can open up new business opportunities in fish processing.

3. Increasing Fish Consumption: Fishmeal tortillas can increase fish consumption and provide health benefits to the community.


Thus, fishmeal tortillas are one of the new innovations in fish processing that have great potential to increase the added value of fishery products. This tortilla is rich in protein, low in fat, and easy to make, so it can be a healthy and delicious choice for the community.

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