Cephalopods : Highly Intelligent Ocean Dwelling Creatures

By. Nevanda - 17 Feb 2023


lautnusnatara.com - Cephalopods are considered the most advanced and intelligent molluscs. They have largest brain compare to other invertebrate. Cephalopod can be found in every depth and in every ocean. First of all, there is importance distinction to understands: The word arm and tentacle on Cephalopod have different meaning and function. Arms, like those you can see on octopus, have suction cup all the entire length of the limb. Meanwhile, tentacle is two specialized armed that evolve snatch prey from long distance because its ability to extend and retract. Tentacle only have suction cup near the end of the limb. 


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Cephalopods are carnivorous, their diet consist of small fish, crustacean, bivalve, jellyfish, and even other Cepalopods. The average life span of cephalopods is 1-3 years, except the Nautilus that can live much longer than its other relatives. Nautilus are the only representative creature of an early Cephalopods that still exist today. Their shell look like gastropods shells, the difference is that Nautilus shell have many chamber.


Chromatophores are pigment sacks that located on the skin of many Cephalopods, such as squid, octopus and cuttlefish. This organ makes most of the Cephalopod can do camouflage with the surrounding environment. Chromatophores works by expanding or contracting the pigment sacks. Cephalopods not only can change its color but also they can change texture. This ability is helping Cephalopods to blending with their environment either while hunting prey or hiding from predator.


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In general, octopus are expert in camouflage because they can change their color and texture to match their surrounding. Octopus can regrow their arm, as long as they have the remining arm on their body. Cuttlefish use their ability of changing colors to communication and camouflage. They have the largest brain-size to body-size ratio that might have some important roles to do with their complex communication skill.

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