These are 8 Health Benefits of Tuna

By. Nevanda - 03 Apr 2023

img - The Tuna is tasty and healthy. It is a rich source of protein and essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, it has no fat. It is also an excellent source of vitamin B12, which helps you to form new red blood cells and prevent the development of anemia.


1.    Prevent Cardiac Disorders
A study state that extensive amount of omega-3 fatty acids in tuna meat can reduces bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. Omega-3 enables to smooth functioning of pumping and circulating of blood across the body. Regular intake of omega-3 could also reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease. 


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2.    Lower Blood Pressure
Tuna has a good content of potassium which helps the regulation of blood pressure. Potassium, along with the omega-3 will induces an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefor, it can lowering blood pressure, risk of stroke and heart attacks.


3.    Helps Brain Development
Tuna meat contain omega-3 fatty acids which play an essential role in boosting brain function and nervous system. It also boosts memory and reduces memory disorders in Alzheimer’s.


4.    Strengthens Your Immune System
Vitamins and mineral that contained in tuna, like manganese, selenium, vitamin c and zinc are essential to improve immunity levels. Tuna is a great choice of these micronutrients sources. It also has antioxidant that can combat the free radical to prevent infection and control metabolism at the cellular level.


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5.    Prevent Eye Disorder
Omega-3 fatty acids in tuna meat also can sharpens your visual acuity and overall eye health. These fatty acids can effectively prevent degeneration of your vision.


6.    Reduces Risk of Cancer
Tuna contains omega-3 and also antioxidant which are vital to restrict the growth and multiplication of tumour cells. Therefore, regular consumption of Tuna can reduce the risk of cancer.


7.    Helps in Weight Management
Tuna is full of protein, nutrient and is low in calorie and fat. It can help to keep you full for a long time. As a result, it prevents you from unhealthy snacking. Tuna balances your body calorie intakes, thereby it can regulate body weight. 


8.    Improves Bone Health
Another nutrient contained in Tuna is vitamin B, vitamin D and antioxidants. Vitamin B and Vitamin D help strengthens your bone and prevents fracture. Vitamin D also helps enhance the absorption of many essential minerals.


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