Metal Detector: Definition, Function and Types

By. Rani - 08 Mar 2025

img We may have often and are familiar with the name metal detector. This tool is not only used to search for metal or objects with metal materials under the ground surface which is commonly used by archaeologists, it is also often used as a security support tool in security equipment that is often installed at airports, hotels or malls.

The accuracy of this tool is very high, metal detectors can detect objects made of metal even in small sizes. The function of this tool is of course to find metal with the electromagnetic waves produced capable of detecting objects made of metal or any object that can affect the magnetic field.

Metal detectors are broadly divided into 3 types, namely walkthrough metal detectors, handled metal detectors and metal detector hunters. These three tools are widely used security tools, but the most commonly used for high-level security are walkthrough metal detectors and handled metal detectors.

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1. Walkthrough Metal Detector

This tool functions as a metal detector. The shape of this tool resembles a cubicle and has a sensor to detect. How it works is when an object passes through it, the sensor will scan and detect, if the presence of metal is found, this tool will sound the alarm. This tool is very accurate because it can read or scan from head to toe and also when passing through it all sides of our body will be scanned properly, so it will immediately react when there are metal objects such as sharp weapons or other metal objects.

2. Handled Metal Detector

The way it works is almost the same as the previous metal detector, namely the walkthrough metal detector, the difference is in its application. The handle metal detector is shaped like a stick that contains a sensor to detect metal and the way it works is that this tool must be directed at the object to be checked. The advantage of this handled metal detector is that it can be carried anywhere and has a relatively smaller size.

3. Metal Detector Hunter

Unlike the previous two tools, this tool is not used for security, but this tool has a function to search for items made of metal or metal that are underground or buried. This tool is shaped like a long stick and at the bottom there is a tool that functions as a metal detector. Generally this tool is used by archaeologists or special teams to search for mines.

Above is an explanation of each of the various types of metal detectors that are most commonly used along with their respective functions and advantages. Metal detectors are very important for security activities which really need the help of metal detector sensors to support shared security and safety.


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