A Peek into the Life of a Baby Octopus : Small, Smart and Mysterious

By. Amma - 28 Feb 2025


lautnusantara.com Octopuses are one of the most intelligent and unique marine creatures in the world, but few people know that since birth, baby octopuses already have extraordinary abilities to survive in challenging marine environments. The life of a baby octopus is indeed full of mystery and uniqueness. Here are some interesting facts about them:

1. Independent Beginning of Life:

  • Octopus babies hatch from eggs and are immediately independent. They are not cared for by their mothers, unlike many other marine animals.
  • After hatching, the octopus larvae will float and prey on plankton, crab larvae, and other small animals until they are large enough to prey on other animals.
  • Octopus mothers usually die after guarding their eggs, due to starvation.

2. Early Intelligence:

  • Octopuses are known as very intelligent animals, and this intelligence is already visible since they are babies.
  • They have extraordinary learning and problem-solving abilities, even at a young age.

3. Rapid Growth:

  • Octopus babies grow very quickly. They can double their body size in a short time.
  • This rapid growth allows them to quickly adapt to the harsh marine environment.

4. Early Vulnerability:

  • Despite their intelligence and rapid growth, baby octopuses are extremely vulnerable to predators in their early years.
  • Many baby octopuses fall prey to fish and other marine animals.

5. A Life of Mystery:

  • Many aspects of the life of a baby octopus remain a mystery to scientists.
  • Research is ongoing to uncover more about these remarkable creatures.


The incubation period for octopus eggs varies from 2 to 10 months depending on the species and water temperature. The mother octopus will stay with her eggs and continually circulate water around them to keep them clean. For the first time, a newly hatched baby dumbo octopus has been caught on camera, showing that it was born with everything it needs to swim with its fins, sense its surroundings and catch prey.


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