lautnusantara.com_ Traceability is the ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under consideration, inlude tracking and tracing. Tracking is the ability to follow the path of a traceable item through the supply chain as it moves between parties. Tracing is the ability to identify the origin, attributes, or history of a particular traceable item located within the supply chain by reference to records held. For true whole-chain traceability, product must be uniquely identified and recorded at each stage of its possession or transformation and these identifiers must be linked if they are to be of value in both traceability and day-to-day operations. Tracebility also means the ability to follow the movement of a food through specified stage of production, processing and distribution. Traceability within food control systems is applied as a tool to control food hazards, provide reliable product information and guarantee product authenticity.
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PT. Biru Laut Nusantara carries out activies for the packing of products from suppliers to distributed products. Procedure are listed below:
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Example of traceability that using the unique code consists of 12 digits.
1 04 30 11 24 067
A 1 Area Code
BB 04 Supplier Code
CC 30 Date
DD 11 Month
EE 24 Year
FFF 067 Product Code
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